Reply To: What kinds of things would you find useful to discuss about online learning?

7th July 2016 at 11:04 am #381
Robin Watkinson

    Hi all – I’ve recently undertaken two different online learning pathways. Having returned to learning after 30 years of working, I have struggled with the academic structure that supports assessed work – by this I mean I know what I want to say, I just struggle to say it in the correct manner and to evidence my arguments.

    For me the most useful discussion would be based around collaborative online study groups with on-going formative assessment from tutors – I’ve found support from other students on our informal Facebook page, but we are very wary of discussing original ideas in an open forum in case of plagiarism.

    Perhaps online learning (and methods of assessment) should be made more collaborative, the exchange of group ideas encouraged and formative feedback utilised to lessen the gap between learning in isolation and the dreaded return of grades! Surely the beauty of the internet and technology is its ability to connect individuals and communities, and to promote the exchange of ideas between different cultures and age groups, so I do feel that online learning has a way to go to truly embrace the possibilities.

    Don’t get me wrong I think online learning is amazing, but there are times when I feel I am still sat at my exam desk back in grammar school, my arm firmly shrouding my meagre essay from the prying eyes of my neighbours.

